ugc video ads

The Platform for UGC Video Ads Starring Your Customers

Uplifted is the leading platform for creating high-performing, on-brand UGC video ads starring your customers, offering a hands-off, end-to-end solution at scale.

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Automate & scale customer video creation

Get original, authentic customer video content

Connect to any CRM and send your customers – or any other creators – customized, conversion-focused video requests via white label emails, in-app messages, or SMS.

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Direct the content you really need to grow

Based on your goals, our virtual AI director will guide your customers to produce the right content for your specific needs.

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Automate video moderation

Uplifted's proprietary contextual AI moderates video submissions, so that you only receive trusted, brand-safe, and high-quality content.

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Cast Chat
Cast Chat
Cast Chat

Get on-brand, ready-to-test creative

Create engaging video ads at scale

Simply upload your existing video, music, and design assets and Uplifted will do the rest, ensuring every video produced is beautifully on brand.

Automatically identify the strongest hooks

Uplifted understands which moments and value propositions are most likely to convert, so every video is perfectly optimized. Even retakes are automatic — customers receive requests to resend videos that don’t totally hit the mark. 

Test every possible combination

Find out which creative elements and personas get the best results so you can continuously create more effective and targeted campaigns. 

Version A
Version b
Version c
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Easily find, manage, and collaborate on videos with your team

Find exactly what you’re looking for, faster

Our AI content discovery tools make every video searchable, so you no longer have to rely on old-fashioned tagging and hard-to-remember file names.

Find exactly what you’re looking for, faster
Find exactly what you’re looking for, faster

Manage all your videos in a single place

Securely store your video content from any source in Uplifted and take advantage of our AI content discovery tools to make all your files searchable. 

Digital Asset Management (DAM)
Digital Asset Management (DAM)

Centralize team communication & collaboration

Let your team comment on, share, download, and tag videos in one unified hub with unlimited cloud storage.

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Video Management
Video Management
The social media algorithm is a content-eating beast. Feed the beast and it will be good to you. Testing many creatives is the right way to reach a broad audience, more personas, and ultimately build a stronger and wider range of customers.
Felix Leshno
Underoutfit CEO

Automate rapid testing & iterations

Gain insights for new creative concepts

Understand which creative concepts perform better and discover new messaging and audience opportunities.

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Better understand your customers

Dig deeper into your customer demographics and brand sentiment to learn what works for which customers.

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Cast Chat
Cast Chat

Ready to take your performance marketing to the next level?

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The social media algorithm is a content-eating beast. Feed the beast and it will be good to you. Testing many creatives is the right way to reach a broad audience, more personas, and ultimately build a stronger and wider range of customers.
Felix Leshno
Underoutfit CEO
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